Thursday 5 December 2013

Gen. Muhammadu Buhari Addresses Nigerians

Our political detractors cannot stand our commitment and devotion towards good governance and social justice. That is why they keep shifting the topic of discussion between us. When we talk about corruption and bad governance that characterize their politics, they bring up sentiments and emotions to keep Nigerians busy fighting each other while they wantonly plunder our commonwealth.

No matter how they try, we shall never give in to their distractions! We shall never allow them to dictate the topic of national discuss! We shall continue to tell the truth about them, and discredit the lies they fabricated against us.
We shall reciprocate their bigotry with love, their division with unity, incitement with perseverance, ignorance with patience. In the end, it is not just our words against theirs that matter; it is the indefatigable will of free Nigerian men and women yearning for justice and social equity. God bless Nigeria!
Do you agree with his ideas? What do you think of Gen. Buhari?

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