Monday 23 December 2013

2014 Budget: Presidency To Spend N34.5m On Two Wild Life Animals For Villa Zoo

OKONJO-BudgetAs the country groans under the weight of the high cost of running government, the Presidency has proposed to spend the sum of N34.5m in 2014 for the purchase of two wild animals for the State House Zoo and car trackers for presidential ground fleet as well as utility vehicles.
A breakdown of the figure shows that N14.5m was set aside in the 2014 Appropriation Bill as the cost of the two animals whose names were not mentioned and N20m for the trackers.
An extra N2m is expected to be spent on two fleet tracking base stations.
These are captured in the details of the Appropriation bill presented by the Finance Minance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on behalf of President Goodluck Jonathan, to the National Assembly last week.
For the maintenance and upgrading of the exotic State House zoo, the presidency budgeted the sum of N8 million while the renovation of the horses’ stables/paddock for the zoo will gulp another N15m.
About N5m will also be spent on the purchase of wildlife capture equipment.

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