Monday 30 September 2013

Nigeria @53: A Heartfelt Prayer for Nigeria & Mr. President (Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR)


Moses Abalaka (PhD)

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chron 7:14
This is a great country! The destiny of this nation is in the hand of God and so we must turn to Him and pray for our land and our leader.
O’ God, the Most High God! The Lord God Almighty, there is nothing that is hid from your face. We want to thank you for our country Nigeria. It has been by your outstretched arm that this nation has survived unto this day the onslaught of the enemies of progress. We give you thanks for the resources bestowed upon this great African nation called Nigeria. We are proud of our inheritance that you have given us in this nation.
Today, this country turned 53 years old in independence. Lord, you know our shortcomings as a nation. You know where we have done well as a nation and where we got it all wrong. We are humans prone to mistakes and so we can not absolve ourselves from wrong doing. Almighty God, forgive our sins and heal our land. Do not allow the wasters to waste us and our inheritance.
Like Jehoshaphat was confronted with armies which came to exterminate them in those days so are we surrounded by so many vices that are threatening the very existence of our nation today 2 Chro 20:10-12. These vices are so numerous and more powerful than any individual can handle. Our eyes are unto you O’ God most High. These vices, among others include violence of untold and unknown magnitude, astronomic and unbelievable corruption in high places, cheating and lying, injustice, fraudulence, sin, rebellion, crises, strikes by almost all the workforce, gross underdevelopment, infrastructural decays in every sector, unacceptable youth under development, pitiable rate of unemployment, poverty, untold hardship by citizenry and lots more. These problems are to numerous and enormous for any individual to tackle except with conscious, deliberate concerted efforts by all stakeholders. The journey to nationhood requires that everyone plays a sincere role.
How can we come out of all these things if not by your help O’ Lord our God? Send us help O’ God Psalm 60:11-12. If we receive help from you we shall do valiantly. We can overcome only if you help us out because you have all powers in your hands.
Solomon prayed for wisdom to enable him know and do the right thing 1 Kings 3:3-9. Our Lord and our God, we ask that you give our President wisdom and understanding to know the right thing to do and the courage to do them. This country is a complex nation that without the wisdom from above, one will be confused about the happenings in the society. In the absence of God’s own wisdom the president would be confused because he may not know what is true or who is saying the truth. As you did for Solomon the king in those days, do it for President Goodluck Jonathan. Let wisdom flow from above upon him to know the intent of anyone around him, why they say or do things the way they say or do. Let him not be held hostage by the opinion of any. Let him follow your own leading, O’ God. Our God and our father don’t let the destiny of this great nation be mismanaged.
The three (3) month old ASUU strike can be solved by meaningful and sincere truce in just one meeting. All it takes is God’s wisdom to discuss issues, make sacrifices and compromises for the sake of the system and at the end we will all be pleased with the turn of events without victor or vanquish. The nation will be the beneficiary in all! Let this wisdom from above be at play in our beloved President-our own Jonathan.
Your word reveals a man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven John 3:27. Our president became what you want him to be at this point in time. It was your mighty hand that brought him as the President of this nation. He did not impose himself you brought him out to be what he is today. Let your hand preserve him from all evil. Protect him from sycophants and deceivers. Show him his foes among his friends. Let your wisdom guide, guard and direct him daily as he turns to the left or to the right Isaiah 30:21.
Father, let the groaning of the people in this nation come to you. Save us from trouble and anguish. Let righteousness blow like waves of the sea. Let love flow freely. Let peace rain. Let prosperity come like flood. Let everyone do the right thing. Let there be justice in the land. Let everyone seek integrity and uprightness. Let us respect one another’s views so that there can be unity in our diversity. Help us to manage and overcome our differences. Help us to handle our challenges to subdue them under us. Now Lord, let your eyes be opened, and your ears attend unto the prayer that is made unto you from our hearts 2 Chron 7:15.

This nation is an indivisible entity under God. Together we shall build this nation to the admiration and envy of the whole word. Help us O’ God to accomplish these tasks in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.     

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