Tuesday 10 September 2013

Health Tip: How To Get Your Daily Intake of Water

Drinking enough water didn’t used to be a challenging task “back in the day.”  In the 1900′s there weren’t 20 different soda choices, Starbucks, various teas, and energy drinks.  It’s easy to see why the general public has strayed from our main source of hydration. 
Drinking water is partially habit.  In order to establish any habit, good or bad, you must give it time and consistency.  Here are 10 Tips to help you drink more water a day and to start that healthy habit now.

1. Keep a Log

This can be as simple as a little piece of paper on the fridge, or a page in your day planner. Just make a little checkmark, or dash on the piece of paper every time you drink a glass of water. The log will help you keep track of how much water you have had in any given day. Another idea would be to use little stickers instead. 

2. Add Some Lemon Juice

If you get bored with drinking plain water change things up by adding lemon to your water. Just a tablespoon of lemon juice should be enough to make things interesting and give the water some flavor without adding a lot of sugar and calories. 

3. Make it a Morning Ritual

When we wake up in the morning we are dehydrated due to the body regenerating itself while we are sleeping. So the first thing you should do before you do anything else is drink 8 – 10 ounces of water. I do this religiously and have made it a regular morning habit. 

4. Drink Some Water When You Feel Hungry

Unfortunately many of us have gotten so out of tune with our bodies that we feel hungry when we are actually thirsty. If you feel hungry, try drinking 8 ounces of water first. You may just be thirsty and the next thing you know the hunger pains have simply vanished. 

5. Carry A Water Bottle

It's much easier to drink water when you have it readily available. Carry a bottle of water around with you in the car, at work, while running errands, in the yard, and even while you are working around the house. You’ll be sipping away the water without even noticing it. 

6. Drink More If You Are Working Out

When you work out your body loses fluids through perspiration . Make sure you drink more water if you work out, or if you spend some time outside while it's hot. My golden rule is to drink 8 ounces for every 30 minutes of cardio or high intensity training. Your body uses and needs more water when it sweats a lot. So don’t forget to fill back up on water during and after your exercise.

7. Think About Keeping It In The Clear
When your urine is clear, you are properly hydrated. When you’re your is medium to dark yellow with an odor, you are definitely dehydrated. If your urine isn’t clear or odorless then you need to hydrate yourself as soon as possible.
8. Take Baby Steps

Don’t expect to go to zero ounces of water to your daily quantity of water over night. Start off slow by drinking 8 to 10 ounces in the morning and then 8 to 10 ounces at night. Slowly build your way up from there. The next thing you’ll know, you’ll be drinking your daily water intake easily and effortlessly. 

9. Slowly Replace Your Drinks

If you are a heavy soda, tea or coffee drinker simply replace one of those caffeinated drinks with 10 ounces of water. Start out with replacing a caffeinated drink every other day with a glass or bottle until you have reached your daily intake of water. 

10. Have a Full Glass of Water Near You

Always have a full glass or bottle of water near you when you at work, home on the computer or talking on the phone. It will give you something to mindlessly sip on during breaks or brainstorming.

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