Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Year: IG Of Police Orders Water Tight Security For Churches; Restates Commitment To National Security


The Inspector-General of Police, Mr Mohammed Abubakar, on Tuesday in Abuja ordered water-tight security in all places of worship for the New Year celebration across the country.
Abubakar, in a New Year message, directed the Assistant Inspectors-General of Police in charge of Zonal commands across the country and Commissioners of Police in the 36 states to ensure the order was carried out.
He assured Nigerians of the readiness of the police to effectively provide adequate security for the country in the New Year.
He said that the various strategies adopted by the force in ensuring security in collaboration with the public were bound to yield positive result.
According to him, the police is making robust efforts to close up all channels of violent crimes in the country.
Abubakar said that public safety, fight against terrorism, r*pe, violence against women and children, capacity building and welfare of personnel would top priority of the force in the New Year.
He also pledged to tackle communal clashes.
The I-G called on youths to desist from acts capable of disrupting peace in the New Year and beyond and advised parents and guardians to continue to mentor their children and wards.
He thanked Nigerians for their support for the police, assuring that the police and other security agencies would live up to their mandate of providing security in the country.

Sokoto Governor In Closed Door Meeting With Obasanjo In Abeokuta

Aliyu-Wamakko-and-Olusegun-ObasanjoGovernor Aliyu Wamakko of Sokoto State on Tuesday held a closed door meeting with former President Olusegun Obasanjo at his hilltop residence, Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.
Wamakko was said to have met with the former president to discuss the ongoing political realignment in the country.
It would be recalled that Wamakko was one of the five aggrieved governors of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, who recently defected to the opposition All Progressives Congress, APC, following their public spat with President Goodluck Jonathan and the leadership of the ruling party.
But the governor’s deputy and former Minister of Water Resources during the Obasanjo administration, Alhaji Mukhtar Shagari has reportedly refused to defect to the opposition along with Wamakko and members of the State Executive Council.

Saraki Urges Nigerians To Reject Leadership By Selection, Ethnic Divide In New Year

bukola-saraki1Former Governor of Kwara State, Dr. Bukola Saraki at the end of 2013, formally declared his membership of the All Progressives Congress, APC. He was one of the aggrieved Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) members, who formed the now defunct new PDP (nPDP) which dissolved into the opposition party.
He also invited his followers to join him in his new party.
Saraki, now senator representing Kwara Central in the upper chamber of the National Assembly, made his formal declaration via a goodwill message he personally sent to Nigerians on the New Year celebration on Wednesday (today).
In the message where he congratulated Nigerians for the dawn of a New Year preceding the 2015 general election, Saraki urged them to reflect on the consequences of the retrogressive and repressive policies of the PDP government in 2013 by joining him and others, who had abandoned the party for the APC in the actualization of new hope for the country.
The message read in part: “Today, the consequences of the retrogressive and repressive policies of this PDP government by commission or omission has inadvertently, created a broader space for the emergence of an effective opposition – a key ingredient of a vibrant democracy.
“A pointer to this is the conditions that have led to the near tsunami-like exodus from PDP to APC.
“I have always believed that our democracy must be built on a party politics of inclusiveness, politics that is embraced by all Nigerians – not some Nigerians. For some of us, it is non-negotiable that our politics must be one based on the rule of law, morality, the principles of public trust and fairness, and most importantly delivering policies that transform the lives of the people we serve.
“For most of us, it was no longer viable to expect the barest minimum for the people of Nigeria under the PDP. It became inexplicable to promote democracy within a party where these principles and issues must be entrenched, hence, the resolve of the tectonic shift in our political base.
“This is the premise on which some of us in 2013 left PDP and have since joined APC. This decision though hard was made inevitable by what we saw as the irreconcilable division in the PDP – a party that lacked any semblance of internal democracy; a party that acted with impunity; a party that did not deliver for the people and the country; and a party that threatened to return our country to authoritarianism.
“Our decision to leave was one borne out of the desire to say no to military democracy and say yes to representative democracy”, he asserted.
The former governor in the message noted that with him and other concerned Nigerians defecting to APC, the dream of an effective opposition has been born in the country, heralding the hope of a new dawn on the Nigeria political terrain where the wealth of the Nation would be shared equitably among all Nigerians.
“As a result I believe the dream of an effective opposition has now been born and the hope of a new dawn of a better, fairer, and more prosperous Nigeria where the wealth of our nation is shared equitably with and for all now has the potential to become a reality.
“My hope is that we will have a vibrant opposition party capable of keeping the party in government accountable on behalf of the people of Nigeria.
“This I believe is the yearning of every well-meaning Nigerian; and I join them in the belief that Nigeria will be better in 2014 and beyond.
“However, I am also convinced that change will only happen if we collectively say no to leadership by selection, leadership by ethnic divide, authority by clannish identity and religious divide. This is what we must stand for. This must be the foundation on which a strong vibrant and fair democratic Nigeria can be realized”, Saraki said.

N255m Bulletproof Cars: Igbo Group Urges Jonathan To Ignore Calls For Oduah’s Sack

oduah-and-jonathan-360x225More support has come for embattled Minister of Aviation, Ms. Stella Oduah as a group has pleaded with President Goodluck Jonathan to ignore calls for her sack until her culpability in the N255 million bullet proof cars scam was established.
The group, known as Igbo Democratic Forum, which made the appeal in a statement in Jos, Plateau State signed by its Chairman, Chief Chidi Ndu, said it would amount to miscarriage of justice to take action against the minister without first establishing her guilt.
“We call on the President to resist the temptation of sacking the aviation minister on trumped up charges as it will further erode his political base and destroy one of his dependable ally and satisfy those traducers as they are all interested in what will assuage their desires which that is  the downfall of the Presidency”, the group said.

First Lady Solicits More Prayer For Peace In New Year Message


The First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, on Tuesday in Abuja, urged Nigerians, particularly women, to re-dedicate themselves to pray for peace, progress and development of the country.
This is contained in a statement signed by Mr Ayo Adewuyi, Media Assistant to the First lady.
“I urge you to further put to the benefit of the nation, those virtues of intellect, determination, resilience, hard work, and care – the hallmarks of Nigerian women.
“Please strengthen your family bonds, because once the family is united and at peace, the society generally enjoys peace and progress”, the statement said.
It quoted the wife of the President as praying that “2014 will be a year of peace, prosperity, development and many good things in Nigeria”.
It restated the first lady’s devotion to the socio-economic wellbeing of the people, particularly women, the indigent and the vulnerable.
It said that the first lady’s NGO would continue to initiate programmes that will make women become aware of their human rights and obligations.
“I seek your support and partnership for the rebirth and transformation of a new and improved Nigeria in 2014 and I wish you all a happy, prosperous and fulfilling New Year”, it said.

South Sudan Rebels Recapture Key Turn Of Bor

Rebels in South Sudan have recaptured the key town of Bor after fierce fighting with government forces.
The rebels as well as the UN have confirmed that the capital of Jonglei state, which lies 200km north of Juba, was retaken by the rebels on Tuesday.
“Bor is under our control … we are now in Bor town,” rebel spokesman Moses Ruai said.
The rebels have been battling their way to the centre of the strategically important town starting at dawn of Tuesday, according to Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Adow.
Only last week, government troops captured Bor from the rebel forces after over two weeks of fighting.
In recent days thousands have fled Bor fearing an impending counterattack by rebels.
SS rebels
It was not immediately clear who was fighting in Bor, and whether it involved mutinous soldiers, who first seized the town and held it for a week before being driven out, or a loose militia force reported to have been marching on the town for days.
The South Sudanese government said on Tuesday they will send a delegation to Ethiopia for peace talks and the Ethiopian government said rebel leader Riek Machar would also send a team to the talks in its capital, Addis Ababa.
“We are going there,” South Sudan Foreign Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin told Reuters.
Benjamin also said President Salva Kiir will not share power with Machar because he had launched a coup against the country’s leader.
On Tuesday the African Union threatened targeted sanctions against those inciting the violence in South Sudan and hampering international efforts to negotiate an end to the two-week outburst of fighting that risks drawing in the wider region.
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said on Monday east African nations had agreed to move in and defeat rebel leader Machar if he rejected a government ceasefire offer.
The violence first erupted on December 15 when fighting broke out among a group of soldiers in the capital, Juba, but quickly spread to more than half the country.
The conflict has left more than 1,000 dead in the past two weeks and displace over 180,000 people. [AlJazeera]

A Must Read: President Jonathan Promises Job Creation In New Year Message…Read Full Message

Jonathan speaks
President Goodluck Jonathan yesterday called on Nigerians to make national unity, peace, stability and progress of the country a priority in the new year.
The president also promised Nigerian youths more jobs in 2014, as well as improved well-being for the citizenry through focused implementation of the Transformation Agenda.
In a six-page New Year message, the President, who restated that the amalgamation of the country exactly 100 years ago was not a mistake but a blessing, however, said that the centenary of the country’s nationhood was a moment for sober reflection.
Enumerating the achievements of his administration last year, the president said he would this year “diligently carry forward the purposeful and focused implementation of our agenda for national transformation in priority areas such as power, the rehabilitation and expansion of national infrastructure, agricultural development, education and employment generation.”
Dear Compatriots,
I greet and felicitate with you all as we enter the year 2014 which promises to be a momentous one for our country for several reasons, including the fact that it is also the year of our great nation’s centenary celebrations. I join you all in giving thanks to God Almighty for guiding us and our beloved nation safely through all the challenges of the outgoing year to the beginning of 2014.
Exactly 100 years ago today, on January 1, 1914, the British Colonial authorities amalgamated what was then the separate Protectorates of Southern Nigeria and Northern Nigeria, giving birth to the single geopolitical entity known as Nigeria. For us therefore, today is not just the beginning of a new year, but the end of a century of national existence and the beginning of another. It is a moment for sober reflection and for pride in all that is great about Nigeria.
Whatever challenges we may have faced, whatever storms we may have confronted and survived, Nigeria remains a truly blessed country, a country of gifted men and women who continue to distinguish themselves in all spheres of life, a country whose diversity remains a source of strength. We pay tribute today, as always to our founding fathers and mothers, and all the heroes and heroines whose toil and sweat over the century made this country what it is today.
As I noted, a few days ago, the amalgamation of 1914 was certainly not a mistake but a blessing. As we celebrate 100 years of nationhood, we must resolve to continue to work together as one, united people, to make our country even greater.
I assure you that our administration remains fully committed to the progressive development of our country and the consolidation of peace, unity and democratic governance in our fatherland. Despite several continuing domestic and global challenges, for us in Nigeria, the year 2013 witnessed many positive developments which we will strive to build upon in 2014.
We have diligently carried forward the purposeful and focused implementation of our agenda for national transformation in priority areas such as power, the rehabilitation and expansion of national infrastructure, agricultural development, education and employment generation.
You may recall that our 2013 Budget was on the theme, “Fiscal Consolidation with Inclusive Growth”, and I emphasized the need for us to “remain prudent with our fiscal resources and also ensure that the Nigerian economy keeps growing and creating jobs”. I am pleased to report that we have stayed focused on this goal.
Our national budget for 2014 which is now before the National Assembly is specifically targeted at job creation and inclusive growth. We are keenly aware that in spite of the estimated 1.6 million new jobs created across the country in the past 12 months as a result of our actions and policies, more jobs are still needed to support our growing population. Our economic priorities will be stability and equitable growth, building on the diverse sectors of our economy.
In 2013, we commenced implementation of the National Industrial Revolution Plan (NIRP) aimed at industrializing Nigeria and diversifying our economy into sectors such as agro-processing, light manufacturing, and petrochemicals. We have also negotiated a strong Common External Tariff (CET) agreement with our ECOWAS partners which would enable us to protect our strategic industries where necessary.
I am pleased to note that as a result of our backward integration policies, Nigeria has moved from a country that produced 2 million metric tonnes of cement in 2002, to a country that now has a capacity of 28.5 million metric tonnes. For the first time in our history, we have moved from being a net importer of cement to a net exporter.
Foreign direct investment into Nigeria has also been strong. In fact, for the second year running, the UN Conference on Trade and Development has named Nigeria as the number 1 destination for investments in Africa.
We are witnessing a revolution in the agricultural sector and the results are evident. We have tackled corruption in the input distribution system as many farmers now obtain their fertilizers and seeds directly through an e-wallet system. In 2013, 4.2 million farmers received subsidized inputs via this programme. This scheme has restored dignity to our farmers.
Last year we produced over 8 million metric tonnes of additional food; and this year, inflation fell to its lowest level since 2008 partly due to higher domestic food production. Our food import bill has also reduced from N1.1 trillion in 2011, to N648 billion in 2012, placing Nigeria firmly on the path to food self-sufficiency.
The sector is also supporting more jobs. Last year, we produced 1.1 million metric tonnes of dry season rice across 10 Northern states; and over 250,000 farmers and youths in these States are now profitably engaged in farming even during the dry season.
This Administration is also developing our water resources which are key for both our food production and job creation goals. In 2013, we completed the construction of nine dams which increased the volume of our water reservoirs by 422 million cubic metres. Through our irrigation and drainage programme, we have increased the total irrigated area by over 31,000 hectares creating jobs for over 75,000 farming families while increasing production of over 400,000 metric tons of assorted irrigated food products.
Fellow Compatriots, I have always believed that the single greatest thing we can do to ensure all Nigerians realize their potential and play a full part in our nation’s future, is to invest in education. The education of our young people is a key priority for this Government. We take this responsibility very seriously and I urge all other stakeholders in the sector to recognize the national importance of their work, and to help advance the cause of education in our nation.
Between 2007 and 2013, we have almost tripled the allocation for education from N224 billion to N634 billion – and we will continue to vigorously support the sector. We have improved access to education in the country with the construction of 125 Almajiri schools, and the establishment of three additional Federal Universities in the North, bringing to twelve, the number of universities established by this administration.
In 2013, we rehabilitated 352 laboratories and constructed 72 new libraries in the Federal Unity Schools; and also rehabilitated laboratories of all the 51 Federal and State polytechnics across the country.
In the Health sector, we are building strong safety nets and improving access to primary health care under the Saving One Million Lives programme. In 2013, we recruited 11,300 frontline health workers who were deployed to under-served communities across the country. Over 400,000 lives have been saved through our various interventions. We have reached over 10,000 women and children with conditional cash transfer programmes across 8 States and the FCT and we intend to scale up this successful initiative.
Our national immunization coverage has exceeded 80%. And for the first time in the history of the country there has not been any transmission of the Type-3 Wild Polio virus for more than one year. We have also eradicated the guinea worm that previously affected the lives of over 800,000 Nigerians yearly. In tertiary health care, we upgraded medical facilities across the country. Two of our teaching hospitals – the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital in Enugu, and the University College Hospital in Ibadan – commenced open heart surgeries this year after the installation of new facilities.
Fellow Nigerians, I have dwelt on some of our administration’s achievements in 2013 to reassure you that we are working and results are being achieved on the ground. As we enter our Centennial year, there is still much work ahead. We are determined to sustain our strong macroeconomic fundamentals, to strengthen our domestic institutions, and to invest in priority sectors. These investments will create more jobs for our youth. Government will at the same time, continue to scale-up investments in safety nets and the MDGs to take care of the poor and the vulnerable so that they too can share in our growth and prosperity.
In 2014, we will continue to prioritize investments in key sectors such as infrastructure development, power, roads, rail transportation and aviation. In the past year, the Federal Government completed the privatization of four power generation companies and 10 power distribution companies. We are also in the process of privatizing 10 power plants under the National Integrated Power Projects (NIPP).
We shall boost investments in transmission to ensure power generated is properly evacuated and distributed. In this regard, we have already mobilized an additional $1.5 billion for the upgrade of the transmission network in 2014 and beyond. Government will also strengthen regulation of the sector, and closely monitor electricity delivery to increase this beyond 18 hours per day. We will complete the privatization of the NIPP projects, accelerate work on our gas pipeline infrastructure and also continue to invest in hydro-electric power and clean energy as we monitor the effects of climate change on our economy.
Our administration believes that the cost of governance in the country is still too high and must be further reduced. We will also take additional steps to stem the tide of corruption and leakages. We have worked hard to curb fraud in the administration of the pension system and the implementation of the petroleum subsidy scheme. We have introduced a Pensions Transition Arrangement Department under a new Director-General. This department will now ensure that those of our pensioners still under the old scheme receive their pensions and gratuities, and are not subjected to fraud. Prosecution of all those involved in robbing our retired people will continue. The Petroleum Subsidy Scheme is also now being operated under new strict guidelines to tackle previous leakages in the scheme and prevent fraud.
Foreign travel by government personnel will be further curtailed. This directive shall apply to all Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government. Our strategy to curb leakages will increasingly rely on introducing the right technologies such as biometrics and digitizing government payments.
I am therefore pleased to inform you that we shall complete the deployment of the three electronic platforms in 2014 – namely, the Treasury Single Account (TSA), the Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) and the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) – which are all geared towards improving efficiency and transparency in our public finances. Through these reforms, we have already saved about N126 billion in leaked funds and intend to save more.
To sustain Nigeria’s ongoing agricultural transformation, we have planned further investments in the sector. We will provide input subsidies to five million farmers nationwide using the e-wallet system. This Administration recently launched a self-employment initiative under the Youth Employment in Agriculture Programme (YEAP), called the Nagropreneur programme. This scheme would encourage our youth to go into commercial agriculture as entrepreneurs and we plan to develop over 750,000 young Nagropreneurs by 2015.
We will also establish new agro-industrial clusters to complement the staple crop processing zones being developed across the country. In 2014, this Administration will continue to work with the private sector to improve financing in the agricultural sector. For example, we will launch the Fund for Agricultural Finance in Nigeria (FAFIN) which will serve as a private equity fund to invest in agri-businesses across the country.
Our Small and Medium scale enterprises (SMEs) will be the bedrock of Nigeria’s industrialization. We have about 17 million registered SMEs, and they employ over 32 million Nigerians. When our SMEs grow, more jobs will be created for our youth. Therefore, in 2014, this Administration will focus strongly on implementing the Nigeria Enterprise Development Programme (NEDEP) to address the needs of small businesses. Our interventions will include helping SMEs with access to affordable finance, business development services, and youth training. In addition, our new CET policies will enable us to support our emerging industries.
We will also intensify our investment promotion efforts abroad, to ensure we bring the biggest and best companies from around the world to invest in Nigeria.
Dear Compatriots, the housing and construction industry is a critical sector in most developed economies. When the housing sector booms, it creates additional jobs for architects and masons, for electricians and plumbers, forpainters and interior decorators, and for those in the cement and furniture industries.
Today, I am pleased to inform you that this Administration is reinvigorating our housing and construction sector. We have established the Nigeria Mortgage Refinance Company (NMRC) which will increase liquidity in the housing sector, provide a secondary market for mortgages, and thereby increase the number of people able to purchase or build homes at an affordable price in the country.
In 2014, we will work in a number of pilot states where the State Governors have agreed to provide fast-track land titles, foreclosure arrangements, and serviced plots. This new institution will enable us to create over 200,000 mortgages over the next five years at affordable interest rates. In addition, those at the lower end of the economic ladder will not be left behind as this new initiative will expand mass housing schemes through a re-structured Federal Mortgage Bank and other institutions to provide rent-to-own and lease-to-own options. I am confident that very soon, many more hardworking Nigerian families will be able to realize their dream of owning a home.
In this our centenary year, we will continue our efforts, through the Saving One Million Lives initiative to strengthen primary health care services. We will scale up interventions in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, nutrition, routine immunization, HIV/AIDS, malaria elimination, tuberculosis, neglected tropical diseases, and non-communicable diseases. We will pay greater attention to the provision of universal health coverage. Besides the implementation of new initiatives such as my comprehensive response plan for HIV/AIDS, we shall continue to collaborate with global health partners to deliver our health sector transformation agenda.
I am glad that the issues responsible for the long-drawn ASUU strike have been resolved and our children are returning to their campuses. We are committed to making our tertiary institutions true centers of learning for our young people. We will therefore focus on upgrading hostels, laboratories, classrooms, and halls. As the 2015 deadline for the Millennium Development Goals approaches, we will continue to expand access to basic education for all Nigerian children. Working with State Governments, we shall decisively tackle the problem of the large numbers of out-of-school children in this country. We will also invest in technical and vocational education to promote skills development for our youth across the country.
Nigerian entrepreneurs still lack access to affordable financing, with medium-to-long-term tenors. To address this gap, a new wholesale development finance institution will be established in 2014 to provide medium-to long-term financing for Nigerian businesses. We are working with partners such as the World Bank, the Africa Development Bank, the BNDES Bank in Brazil, and KfW in Germany, to realize this project. Our existing Bank of Agriculture and Bank of Industry will be re-structured as specialized institutions to retail financing from this new wholesale development bank.
In addition to the foregoing, our administration will also do all within its powers to ensure the success of the forthcoming National Conference. The report of the Presidential Advisory Committee on the Conference is undergoing urgent review and the approved structure, guidelines and modalities for the conference will soon be published as a prelude to its commencement and expeditious conclusion.
It remains our sincere hope and expectation that the success of the national conference will further enhance national unity, peace and cohesion as we move ahead to the 2015 general elections.
In keeping with our avowed commitment to progressively enhancing the credibility of Nigeria’s electoral process by consistently upholding the principle of one man, one vote, our Administration will also ensure that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) receives all required support to ensure that it is adequately prepared for the next general elections.
As peace and security remain prerequisite conditions for the full realization of our objectives, we will also do more in 2014 to further empower our security agencies who are working in collaborative partnerships with our friends in the international community to stem the scourge of terrorism in our country and enhance the security of lives and property in all parts of Nigeria. The allocation of over N600 Billion to Defence and Policing in the 2014 Budget attests to this commitment.
Fellow compatriots, the task of making our dear nation a much better place for present and future generations cannot be left to government alone. I therefore urge you all to be ready and willing to do more this year to support the implementation of the Federal Government’s Agenda for National Transformation in every possible way.
Let us all therefore resolve as we celebrate the new year, and Nigeria’s Centenary, to place the higher interests of national unity, peace, stability and progress above all other considerations and work harder in our particular fields of human endeavour to contribute more significantly to the attainment of our collective aspirations. I urge all Nigerians, no matter their stations in life, to rededicate themselves to contributing meaningfully to further enrich our national heritage. The time for that re-dedication is now, not tomorrow.
I wish you all a happy and rewarding 2014. God bless Nigeria. Happy New Year.

GOOD NEWS: French Priest Kidnapped By Boko Haram In Cameroon Regains Freedom

French President Francois Hollande made an official statement which said that a French Catholic priest kidnapped in Cameroon by the suspected Boko Haram members on November 13, 2013, has been released.
french_priestA 42-year-old Georges Vandenbeusch (in the photo) was kidnapped by gunmen in northern Cameroon, close to the border with Nigeria.
Boko Haram Islamist group later said it was behind the kidnap.
President Hollande thanked the authorities in Cameroon and Nigeria for their help in getting the priest released.
His message also expressed special thanks to Cameroon’s President Paul Biya.
A French diplomat quoted by the AFP news agency said the priest was released in the early hours of December 31, 2013, Tuesday in northern Cameroon.
“He is now on a plane with the Cameroonian army and will be handed over to the French ambassador in Cameroon,” the source said.
There was no further explanation about his release.
It would be recalled that earlier this year, seven members of a French family called Moulin-Fournier, four of them children, were kidnapped by Boko Haram in northern Cameroon and held hostage for two months.
Boko Haram was allegedly paid more than $3m (N520,000,000) before releasing the family, according to a confidential Nigerian government report which has been seen by Reuters news agency. There was no official confirmation of that ransom.

REVEALED: Nollywood Actress Adaora Ukoh Explains Why S*X Roles Are Not For Her

Nollywood Actress Adaora Ukoh remains undaunted when people talk about her. Now that she has been married for several months, she is apparently not finding marriage as smooth as a lot of movies she has played might have made her once believe.adaora_ukoh_role“Well, I just noticed that it’s really not an easy world. When I look at the Omotolas that have kept theirs, I give them kudos. It’s really not easy because men come with a lot of drama and they want to hold it down for you at that point when they’ve entered. And sometime it looks like you are trying to fight it out,” the actress said.
Adaora further declared that s*x role was not really her thing when it came to movies.
“When you look at every movie, there is usually a theme. Like the movie I’m shooting currently, there is s*x scene but the producer decided to shoot it like a silhouette, where you light the wall. You will be doing all the s*x scenes but it will be showing on the wall. Not that I don’t do romance, I do romance in movies but I might not do outright showing the s*x scene that probably could look vulgar,” the actress concluded.

NO MORE FOOD IN ASO ROCK: Jonathan Reduces Aso Rock’s Billion Naira Feeding Bill By N494 Million

With the economy in a bind and a growing public anger over his administration’s management of the economy, President Goodluck Jonathan has taken a rare decision to spend less on food and consumables at the presidential villa in 2014.Jonathan warnsAs the budget comes under an increasingly  intense media scrutiny, President Jonathan has given up nearly half of the presidency’s giant feeding bill of N1 billion, a proposal, two years ago, that shocked Nigerians and stirred public anger.
The feeding cost has been lowered by N494 million or 45.5 percent in the 2014 budget proposal sent to the National Assembly by the president.
The 2014 request, if approved by lawmakers, will be the lowest amount of naira spent by the State House on feeding and allied costs in two years.
In the 2012 budget presented in late 2011 by the president, his office and residence as well as those of Vice President Namadi Sambo were allocated an obscene N993 million for refreshments, catering services and purchase of kitchen equipment.
That year, approximately N477million was assigned for foodstuffs and “catering materials supplies” for the president’s office, while an additional N293 million was to provide “refreshment and meals” for the president’s comfort at his home and office.
An extra N45.4 million was earmarked to buy canteen and kitchen equipment for the president’s household, although similar purchases were made the previous year.
For the vice president’s office in 2012, foodstuff, catering and materials supplies were scheduled to cost N104 million, while cooking gas and cooking fuel was to consume N6.2 million.
Refreshments and meals at Mr. Sambo’s office and home were estimated at N20.8million, and another N45.4 million was allocated for purchase of kitchen and household equipment at the state house headquarters.
The funds allocated to feed Aso Rock in 2012 were sufficient to pay about 1,200 of the nation’s growing unemployed graduates a monthly salary of N70, 000 for a year.
That revelation at the time, published by PREMIUM TIMES, aggravated public anger and revved up resistance to government’s plan, within the same period, to remove petrol subsidy, and jack up the pump price of petrol.
A terribly embarrassed presidency quickly scrambled a review of the budget, cutting down the proposed feeding bill by N147 million.
But in the two years that have followed, the government has significantly lowered the feeding bill for the first and second families and their offices, raising the question how the huge 2012 bill may have been utilized, since the same purpose is now being served at a cheaper rate.
In 2013, the presidency’s feeding was put at N717.3 million. For 2014, the figure has been scaled downward to N542.8 million, the new budget shows.
In 2014, for the president’s office and residence, food stuff and catering materials supplies will cost N200.8 million, while refreshment and meals will gulp N162.6 million.
Cooking gas and fuel will be purchased at N 9.4 million while a new set of canteen and kitchen equipment-the same purchase that has consistently occurred for years-will cost the nation N131.8 million.
For the Vice president’s office, food stuff and catering materials supplies will cost N23.9 million, refreshment and meals N10.8 million, while cooking gas and fuel cost would be N3.6 million.
The figures are subject to National Assembly’s approval.
Federal revenues have dwindled during the past year with the government so terribly cash-strapped that it is unable to pay university teachers and execute key developmental projects.

Nyako Urges Jonathan To Jettison Planned National Confab, Says What Nigerians Need Is Development Programme

Governor of Adamawa State, Murtala Nyako yesterday, asked President Goodluck Jonathan to forget about the proposed national conference and pay more attention to delivering the dividends of democracy to Nigerians.
Nyako described the planned confab as a waste of time and scarce resources, which ordinarily should have been used to provide social amenities.
According to the governor, Nigerians need concrete development projects that could enhance their life expectancy and not talk shops that add no real value to life.
Nyako’s criticism of the planned national dialogue comes on the heels of the Ebonyi State governor, Martin Elechi’s opposition to the talks which he said was a huge joke, waste of time and distraction to the president.
Nyako said: “Governor Elechi is absolutely right. What we need now is a development programme and not national conference or dialogue.
“We need critical infrastructure; we need ports and railway system, functional and compulsory education for Nigerians and not talk shops that cannot take us to anywhere.
“We need primary schools that can be described as the best in the world. We do not need too much grammar about developing Nigeria, but concrete efforts and the political will by the government to translate talks into reality for the overall benefit of Nigerians”.

New Round In “Bulletproof” Scandal: We Didn’t Buy Armoured Cars – Stella Oduah

The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority [NCAA] did not purchase bullet proof cars as widely alleged by the media but only leased them, Minister of Aviation Princess Stella Oduah said in Abuja yesterday.stella_oduah_23333
When asked in the Media Trust Limited’s head office about her thoughts about the outcome of the administrative inquiry ordered by President Goodluck Jonathan into the bullet proof cars’ purchase, Ms Oduh said,
“I really would not want to respond to that. The only thing I want to say is that armoured cars were not bought in the minister’s name. In fact, no armoured cars were bought by NCAA. NCAA only leased them. As regards the report of the President’s panel, I really don’t know how to respond. I am not a member of that panel so I cannot speak for it.”
The Minister dismissed some reports which said she was seen at the State House waiting to collect her sack letter.
Stella Oduah also touched upon several relevant topics, including the new national carrier to be unveiled in January, plans to transform Nigeria’s lesser airports to create wealth for local communities through industrialization and the upcoming pulling down and rebuilding of the old Kano Airport.

FOUR Facebook Secrets To Keep You SAFE

Never let anyone see your embarrassing photos again!
4_facebook_secrets_to_keep_you_safeIf your number of Facebook friends competes with your monthly rent payment, you may not be so happy after those embarrassing pictures from the holiday party go live. The more social circles you’re connected to on Facebook, the more anguish unwanted photos cause you, a new study has found.
Why, you may ask? If you drunkenly dance at your friend’s wedding, but your list of friends is limited to your buddies, they’ve already seen the live version of the shameful show. If you’re friends with your boss and your girlfriend’s whole family though, that awkward pic may suddenly matter more to you.
The good news: the study also found that people who were more familiar with Facebook’s features, like how to manipulate privacy settings, weren’t as shaken by unseemly photos of themselves. Here are four Facebook tips to protect your privacy—and dignity.
1. Approve photos and posts you’re tagged in:
You can’t stop someone from tagging you in photos or posts without blocking them completely, but you can enable an alert for when someone tries to attach your name to an unwanted face.
  • Click the settings wheel at the top right of any Facebook page and select Account Settings.
  • In the left column, click ‘Timeline and Tagging.’
  • Look for the setting ‘Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your Timeline?’ and click ‘Edit’ to the far right. Select ‘Enabled’ from the dropdown menu.
  • On the ‘Timeline and Tagging’ page, find ‘Tag Review’ and click ‘Edit’ to the far right. Select ‘Enabled’ from the dropdown menu.
When someone tags you, a numbered alert will show in in your Activity Log before your cover photo, and you’ll have to manually approve the tag. When someone tags you in a post, the ‘Needs Review’ tab will appear in your timeline, and the post won’t show up in your Timeline unless you send it through.
2. Scan Facebook for threats:
By default, just about all social media profiles are unsecure, online security experts say.If you have a lot of revealing information, that data can be used to impersonate you. Hackers can use your information to do typical things like credit card applications, and even fool your friends into giving them money.
Your best defense besides cranking your security settings? Apps like secure.me act like an antivirus software for Facebook, combing for posts and photos that pose a threat to your privacy, security, and even reputation.
3. Remove ads:
While you can’t stop the banners from being disturbingly personal, you can trade the space for an empty white box. AdBlock is free to download and works through your browser, so it will even stop announcements from flashing at you on other sites like Youtube.
4. Get a text notification each time you log in:
To prevent potential hacks, enable SMS notifications every time someone tries to sign in through your Facebook.
  • Go to Account Settings.
  • Click on ‘Mobile Settings’ and register your cell phone.
  • Go back to Account Settings.
  • Click ‘Security Settings’
  • Under Login Notifications, check the ‘Text Message’ box

3 Tips For Getting Perfect Lips

3-tips-perfect-matte-lips-1Want nice lips? Give these tips a try!!!
1. Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate
Before applying any matte lipstick, start with well-scrubbed and thoroughly exfoliated lips, so you have the smoothest canvas to work on. Using your fingers, apply a pea-sized amount of a grainy lip scrub in small circles, buffing off dry patches and roughness.

2. Choose Your Chappy Wisely
When lips are well-moisturized, lipstick glides on more easily and wears longer—just two of many reasons why it’s a good idea to always carry a lip conditioner and use it liberally, whether you’re wearing makeup or not.
3. Tint, Stain, Pencil, or Stick?
Light shades like nudes and dusky pinks can be applied using the pencil, but for dark reds and plums, get a sharper line by using a lip brush.
If lips feel dried-out or uncomfortable after a few hours, apply a dab of your creamy lip conditioner to the center of your lips and rub together. The added moisture will plump up lips without adding shine or sheen.

Why I Sliced My Husband’s Man-Hood With Knife -Banker Explains

31-year-old pregnant banker who was arrested by the lagos state police command for cutting her 34-year-old husband’s man-hood  during a fight at their home in Surulere has explained why she did it.bimbo_danju
“Please, kindly judge this by yourself. As a pregnant woman, will I willingly attempt to cut off my husband’s man-hood? I ordinarily would not have said anything. I did not realise this will escalate to this stage. The case is being handled by my lawyer at the moment.
“My husband is not a hot-tempered man but he gets angry once in a while. He lied that he washes my clothes. He only did that once or twice when I was ill. We had a disagreement that day and he beat me up. My mother came to the house and took away our son.
“Without telling anybody, I went to my hospital and was treated. I did not tell him. But when I got home, he continued to harass me. He said I must ensure his son was returned to the house.
“I was so tired and I went to sleep. But in the middle of the night, he woke me up and asked me again to produce his son. We started fighting and he was beating me. In order to escape his beating, I had to hold his man-hood. I wanted him to leave me alone. I held on to it until I had a chance to escape.”
“Please ask him, which certificate is he even talking about? When I married my husband, he told me he graduated from the Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye, but that he had an accident some time ago, in which his certificates were burnt,” she said.
“When I married him, he did not have a job. He said he was working on a CD and all the money I made, I spent on him.”
Her husband however told a different story.
He said, “My pastor had advised me against marrying her because of an encounter he had with her. Before we got married, in a meeting with Bimbo, my pastor said he asked her about her past and my wife said, ‘How dare you!’
“Of course, I did not believe my pastor at the time because I was in love. But now, I rue the day I met that woman.”
Lekan alleged that his wife had been behaving strangely since he lost his job. He stated that he had done everything he could to ensure that she remained happy.
“I wash her clothes including her underwear. Even without a job, I ensure that the proceeds of my gospel music CD are used to take care of her and our son,” he said.
The apartment Lekan shared with his wife is a mini-flat. Asked who paid for the apartment, the man said the house belonged to his father.
According to him, he was living in a rented apartment in Ikorodu before relocating to his father’s house in Surulere so that it would be easier for his wife to get to work.
Lekan explained that Bimbo was a good woman at the time.
He said, “I married her legally. We did a church wedding, went to court and did the traditional wedding. But when I lost my job, I realised that after a little disagreement, she  would rain abuses on me and my family.
“She would sometimes destroy things in the house. There was a time we had a disagreement and she chased me down the street with a stick. During another disagreement, she took my HND certificate to the end of the street and dropped it beside a gate. Neighbours had to plead with her to bring it back.”
He narrated to Saturday PUNCH how his wife attacked him.
“That fateful day, I was washing my wife’s clothes. She reminded me that she needed some money for foodstuffs and I told her that God would provide for us. Later, she came out of the house and said she had eaten noodles and had fed our son.
“When I finished with the clothes, I was so tired because the clothes were many. I ate the leftover of her noodles. There were about three-spoonfuls left.”
Lekan alleged that that did not go down well with his wife who said she still wanted to eat the leftover.
He said he had to go to the street to buy bread for her since she said she was still hungry.
He further explained that he had to go out shortly after to get some money from a salesman who handles his CD sales.
“I came home and informed my wife that I got some money from my CD. She told me that she would like to eat wheat and white soup which I usually buy for her from a restaurant. I bought that for her,” he said.
By that time, Lekan said the only thing he had eaten that day was the leftover noodles. He said the remaining money from the CD sales had been used to buy things needed in the house.
But his elder sister who had a shop nearby was to later give him N500 when she noticed that he did not look like he was feeling well.
“I went out to buy rice and when I came in and she saw me eating that, she flared up. She said I lied to her that I had no money. She was shouting but I pleaded with her to calm down so that my people around would not hear. She replied that it would not be well with the people. She abused my relations and parents.
“The following day, a Sunday, I swallowed my pride. I woke up and asked which clothes she would like to wear to church so that I could iron it with mine. When she did not answer, I left for church but came back after the workers’ meeting.
“I got home and saw her preparing jollof rice but I went out to buy N60 bread and N40 beans. Trouble started again when she saw me eating that. She said I refused to give her money but I was buying food to eat. She said, ‘Before I say anything now, you will go and complain to your useless family.’ That was when I told her that it was her whole family that was useless. Had I known, I would have kept quiet. She took the plate of beans and poured it on my head.”
But Lekan said even though many men would have pummelled such a woman, he feared he might kill her in anger. The matter died down, or so it seemed.
Around 2am, Lekan said he received a sudden and painful knock that woke him up from sleep and realised that it was from his wife.
“I knew she had decided to start her trouble again. But I did not in my wildest imagination think that she could do what she did next.
“Before I realised what she was doing, I felt a sharp pain in my manhood. I touched it and blood was gushing out. I screamed and my immediate thought was, ‘Is this the way I would die?’”
Lekan pointed to a kitchen knife in a corner of his room. He said it was the weapon his wife used.
The wound inflicted on Lekan’s manhood was deep but it had been stitched after he was rushed to the hospital by neighbours.
Lekan said he is not pressing charges against his wife.