Tuesday 22 October 2013

3 Secrets To Growing Long Natural Hair

1. Moisturize:
Moisturized hair is less prone to breaking and snapping. It behaves better and is easier to style. You will learn how often your hair needs moisture by noticing how it feels and seeing how it responds to your touch.
2. Protect Your Ends:
Your “youngest” hair is growing directly at your scalp. This is your “new growth” as it’s often referred to. Which means the hair at the ends of each strand is the “oldest.” The ends of your hair “make or break” your length. This bit of hair is the most delicate because it has been through so much. It has received the bulk of the damage simply by hanging around for as long as it has!
To protect your ends you must first ensure that you have no split ends. If you do, trim your ends to just above the splits. Then you must keep the ends very well moisturized. Try to alternate wearing your hair out and loose with wearing it in updos that “hide” the ends of your hair, keeping them protected from the elements, and from brushing against your collar, shoulders or back. If your hair is too short for an updo, keeping them moisturized is enough.
At night, protect your ends by wearing a satin scarf or bonnet and sleeping on a satin pillowcase. This will protect your ends (and the entire length of your hair) from snagging/pulling/snapping on harsher fabrics.
3. Low Manipulation:
Do you twirl your hair around your fingers? Stop!
Do you let the ends of your hair brush against your collar or clothing every single day? Stop!
Do you comb and brush and flatiron and curl your hair daily? Stop!

Do you get the picture? Good!
Low manipulation is key for retaining growth and getting long healthy hair. If you normally style your hair, and use heating tools daily, you will notice an incredible difference in your hair by cutting back. Instead, opt for styles that will last you a week, such as twists or twist-outs, braidouts, buns, or flatirons/rollersets that don’t need heat touch ups each day. Try to comb and brush your hair only on wash days if you can. Use your hands to smooth areas and keep your hands out of your hair during the day.
So there you have it! The “Secret’s” Out!
Try these three techniques and you will notice your hair retaining length like never before.

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